Organic Container Gardening in San Antonio

September 20, 2010

Weekend update – blight on the tomaotes

Click on the pics for descriptions

May 2, 2010

Weekend Update

I’ve planted most of the squash in larger pots now. Two are still in small pots.   The strawberry is getting to the end of its bearing, although we are still getting a few every day.  The Chervil has gone to bloom and I’ve been collection seed from it.   I’ve cut one of the stems from the Red Leaf Mustard Green that has seeds on it.  I’ve put it in a paper bag with some DE to help dry the pods out.   The Parsley has begun to bolt.

Bolting Parsley

I’ve had that Parsley for 3-4 years – I’m kinda surprised that it’s taken so long for it to go to seed.  The peaches are still looking good.

Peach Close up

The ‘Butter Crunch’ lettuce has finally gone to seed.

'Butter Crunch' Lettuce in Bloom

The Okras have been planted in larger pots.

Both the Okras

The tomatoes are full of green tomatoes.  I’ll put some close ups once they start to ripen.

all the Tomatoes under bird netting

The Cucumber and Squash are starting to feel the effects of the heat. They are being watered several times a day now.

Cucumber and Squash

These are two of the unknown squashes that I have going…. squash #1 and squash #3. It should be interesting to watch these and find out what they are.

Squash #1 and Squash #3

This is one of the peppers, the Tomatillo and another of the squashes

Pepper, Tomatillo, squash

The Potato seems to be doing pretty well.   There is actually a little potato growing on top of the soil.  If it gets a little bigger I’ll try and take a close up of it.


The Butter cup Squash are doing well.

Buttercup Squash

The Acorn squash is growing like a weed and it will take quite a while for it since it’s a winter squash.  I’ll probably need to move it into a larger pot.

Acorn Squash

The Cantaloupe has blooms on it.


The red pumpkin squash is looking a  down here but it just needed some water.   Now that the weather has turned warm the plants are requiring more water.

Red Pumpkin Squash looking a little peaked

April 30, 2010

pre-weekend update :)

pulled up the peas and harvested them…  went around to all the tomatoes and gave them some compost  and  some corn meal. Planted the okra.  I used a little scoop of rock phosphate  on the ‘Burgundy’ Okra but none on the ‘Clemson Spineless’ Okra and a handful of the ‘growing green’ on both plants.   Also added compost and corn meal to the  Round Zucchini squash and the cucumber.    The lettuce are starting to go to seed.   The Chervil has gone to seed will collect those this weekend as has the Sage.   Still waiting on the Red Leaf Mustard Green to dry out so I can harvest the seeds.

The tomatoes look really good so I’m debating whether I should put some Epsom salts on them.   I’d already put some in the mix when I potted them.  The Epsom Salts prevent blossom end rot.

more later….

If I find an ‘Ichiban’ eggplant at one of the nurserys I’ll buy it, since my seeds never came up.   I bought some Nasturtium and some Marigold seeds (for campanion planting) along with a ‘Scalloped’ Squash that claims to be a bush at the Natural Gardener in Austin…. we’ll see if that’s the case.

I need to get some mosquito dunks at the Shades of Green.

April 25, 2010

Weekend Update

I’ve moved all the tomatoes together and put the bird netting over them.   I’d found a strawberry that had been eaten by something squirrels or birds, but now the strawberry is covered by the bird netting also.

6 of the 8 tomatoes

I’ve pulled out two of the ‘Tango’ lettuces which has freed up one of the big pots.  So I’ve put two squashes along with some radishes in the pot now.

two squashes and some radishes

I also had to pot up some of the other squashes because they were getting to big for the seedling pots.

three potted up squashes

I also repotted the potato.

Potato in new container

It had been in an old deroma bell shaped ceramic pot, but I was afraid if the potatoes were going well they might actually break that pot.  Thus the potato is now in big blue container.   I haven’t planted the two okra, one is ‘Spineless’ and the other is a ‘Burgundy’.

Okra seedlings

Still waiting on the peas to finish so I can put the okra in those pots.   The peaches are looking good.


The tomatillo has a tomatillo on it all ready.


The lettuces are getting ready to go to seed.


Roses and Amaryllis

Actually the parsely is in the midst of bolting so it will have to be replaced this year.

April 10, 2010

Weekend update

Finally have pics of the strawberry with ripe strawberries on it.

Close up of some of the Ripe Strawberries

It’s been producing enough that we can have the berries every morning.

the whole strawberry planter

The Tomatoes in the big pots are getting bigger and have lots of little blooms on them .

Big Tomatoes - getting bigger

The Sage has gone into bloom.  It has beautiful purple flowers. I’ve included a close up.

Sage Plant in Flower

Closeup of the Sage flowering

These are what the Lettuces look like now.  The pot at the top is now a Tomato.  I’ve pulled all the lettuce out – (gonna eat it!) and put one of the small tomatoes in the big pot.

latest Lettuces

Close up of Cucumbers in Bloom

Round Zucchini squash close up

I was SO happy to see the cucumber and squash getting blooms!  I’ve waited for more than a year to try the eight ball squash – looks like this time I’ll get some squash off of it.

I’m going to see if Marigolds will help keep Squash vine borers away from the squash – even if the marigolds are not planted in with the squash.  I bought 4 marigolds and potted them separately.  We’ll see if this helps.

Cucumber and Squash

Squash with Marigolds around

These are the small tomatoes now, although the tomato on the bottom left is now in  a bigger  pot.

smaller tomatoes

My Ichiban Egg Plant seeds have not come up so when I saw some egg plants at Shades of Green I snapped them up.  This variety is called ‘Twinkle’.   It’s supposed to be good for containers.

Twinkle eggplant

I’ve planted the watermelon in the pot from the smaller tomato.  I put in Vortex potting soil and then put Lady Bug’s Revitalizer compost on the top.   I’ve also included the latest pic of the potato.

Watermelon in New Pot


I also sprayed all the plants with liquid seaweed.  When I bought the ‘Twinkle’ eggplant, I also got a cantaloupe, a tomatillo, and a sweet banana pepper.

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